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New posts in android-library

Volley vs Aquery vs Android Async HTTP

How to pass api login key and transaction id in authorize.net sdk for android ?

How do I get Gradle for Android to find a library's test code from within other test code?

Best usage of SuppressWarnings Unused in library

How to accept android library licenses automatically from command line?

Import source code module in Android Studio is not working

android android-library

How do I import an Android library and use it in both production code and tests?

How do I create an apklib for a non maven project

How to make runProguard work for the android-library Gradle plugin?

Android: Managing Ad-Free and Ad supported version. Move to in-app purchase?

CardView inserts dark line at bottom

Android studio Import Module: Specify location of the Gradle or Android Eclipse Project

How to set transitive = true for local .aar library? [duplicate]

Android library vector converted to png and Kotlin files obfuscated by default

Error: "duplicate entry: android/support/v7/appcompat/R$anim.class"

How to trim the video with start & end time in android programmatically?

Android library project fails to register to Google Map

Android Gradle Manifest merger failed