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New posts in android-intent

unresolved reference 'Intent' : val intent = Intent

How to properly create an Intent to refer like Tez?

Launching Intent from notification opening in picture-in-picture window

Android display only mp3 with ACTION_GET_CONTENT

android android-intent mp3

Passing JSON array between activities through intent

How do you call the main launcher activity from another activity?

android android-intent main

How to pass an array of Uri between Activity using Bundle

GCM android Push Notification shows old message always. Intent received incorrect

Email body doesn't show when using an Intent

Passing data from one app to another one [duplicate]

android android-intent

Google Translate Activity not working anymore

Android complex layout design advise

Close activity from another activity through an intent

java.lang.ClassCastException: android.os.ResultReceiver cannot be cast to com.hello.utils.network.MyReciever

How to start the "set as" intent (wallpaper, contact picture, etc)

Should app check if device has calling functionality when using ACTION_DIAL intent?

android android-intent

Is it possible to launch an app when an NFC tag is scanned?

Open specific Settings-page programmatically

android: problem with Serializable object put into intent

Android. Opening a contact in through intent using contact_id or contact_name

android android-intent