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New posts in android-intent

Two buttons with PendingIntents - Widget

Why I get the Activity pause timeout exception when my data is large?

how to make a phone call with speaker on

android android-intent

Android Multiple Contacts Chooser (with option of choosing which phone number)

how to send imageview from one activity to other

Styling the Share Action Provider in Android

How to add your application to the "Share" menu with monodroid

What is faster? One intent.putExtras(Bundle with Strings) or many intent.putExtra(String)?

Unable to get intent filters from a package

Passing a complex object through an intent in Android

android android-intent

Crop while selecting from Gallery in Android 4.4

how to delete or edit event from G-calendar from my android app?

Empty intent (nullpointer exception) in master/detail flow when clicking "up" in actionbar

Android show a notification not working

Service stops when activity is closed

File not found error after selecting a file in android

In Activity.onCreate(), why does Intent.getExtras() sometimes return null?

Capturing/Intercepting Android Intents during runtime

Android Studio mailto Intent doesn't show subject and mail body

android: how to change layout on button click?