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New posts in android-external-storage

android java.io.File.fixSlashes(File.java:185)

Why doesn't require WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE on Android Q and higher

Android - How to use new Storage Access Framework to copy files to external sd card

FileProvider and secondary external storage

Issues traversing through directory hierarchy with Android Storage Access Framework / DocumentProvider using MTP

No such file or directory in Android 10 (api 29)

Displaying all images from device in my app

Insert Video to gallery [Android Q]

Writing files to external storage in Android failing

Android - Camera permissions denied without prompting

Does Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() returns a usable data folder when no sd card is mounted?

WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE not working on lollipop even though it's set in the manifest

Sharing and persisting data between multiple Android applications

Can't create a directory on /storage/emulated/0 on emulator

How to get an External storage sd card size (With Mounted SD card)?

Copy file from the internal to the external storage in Android

Why getExternalFilesDirs() doesn't work on some devices?

Force access to external removable microSD card