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New posts in android-camera2

Use APL (Android Programming Language) to make Android plugin to Unreal Engine 4

Camerax run in service . How to get lifecycleowner or run without it inside a foreground service?

How reliable is Android camera2 CameraCharacteristics API for sensor size?

Take photo in service using Camera2 API

Receiving CameraAccessException: CAMERA_ERROR (3) on CaptureSession.setRepeatingRequest()

Android camera2 api touch to focus example?

Is it possible to use Camera2 with Google Vision API

android android-camera2

Turning on/off flash with Android camera2 API not working

On Android - how to capture image/video from the wide angle camera?

Android 10 (api 29) camera2 api regression with wide-angle camera

Android camera2 output to ImageReader format YUV_420_888 still slow

Fatal Exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Receiver not registered: android.hardware.camera2.CameraManager

How to set android camera2 preview and capture size?

android android-camera2

Camera 2 - API - Image capturing is not working when using Front Camera?

Low FPS with Camera2 API

android android-camera2

How could I distinguish between NV21 and YV12 codification in imageReader camera API 2?

android android-camera2 yuv

Android Camera2 focus state stuck

android android-camera2

Camera2 API Set Custom White Balance & Temperature Color