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New posts in android-camera-intent

Null pointer exception in camera intent when i choose any third party camera Application

Opening Camera in Portrait mode using Intent

Android: BroadcastReceiver intent to Detect Camera Photo Taken?

Android - What is outputX/outputY and aspectX/aspectY when crop an image from gallery or camera?

Camera Intent not returning to calling Activity

android camera portrait orientation

Camera of any emulator not working

Android - Camera intent low bitmap quality [duplicate]

"Unfortunately, camera has stopped" on camera intent

Android - Taking photos and saving them with a custom name to a custom destination via Intent

Alternative ways to set durationLimit or sizeLimit while video recording?

android camera intent crashes app on some phones (about 20% of them)

android android.provider.MediaStore.ACTION_VIDEO_CAPTURE return null onActivityResult with nexus 7

onActivityResult doesn't call from viewPager fragment

Android 5.1.1 default camera return empty intent in onActivityResult after capturing image

Trouble working with the camera in onActivityResult

How to write exif data to image in Android?

Launch default camera app (no return)

Upload from camera and gallery is not working properly in all the versions

How to skip or avoid 'retake and review' option after capturing photo from camera using ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE