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New posts in android-bluetooth

Android Bluetooth pairing Security

Android BluetoothSocket connection returns zero

Keep bluetooth service running for all fragments

What is the Maximum packet size to send data over bluetooth in Android?

Work Manager with Broadcast Receiver does not work when the app is closed

Android BLE onScanResult is never called in the background on Android 11. Was working on Android 10

How to find available bluetooth devices in range?

BluetoothGatt returns empty service list after connection

How to check if bluetooth connection to a device is disconnected?

android android-bluetooth

Scanning large number of BLE Tags

Android Bluetooth not Showing Pairing Dialog

Bluetooth chat sample

android android-bluetooth

Detect if bluetooth headset connected

android android-bluetooth

Android reconnect to bluetooth device if connection lost

Android Bluetooth Low Energy code compatible with API>=21 AND API<21

Android bluetooth: Paired devices list

Bluetooth startDiscovery() is not working on Android 10