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New posts in android-audiorecord

Display Sound waves for Audio recording in Android

Unable to access microphone when another app is using it in Android

Release AudioRecord android when other app request for recording

Android AudioRecord which settings to record call

How to record internal audio on Android devices or record MediaPlayer Audio Stream?

Increase volume output of recorded audio

Increase volume of recording Android AudioRecord

How do you attach a reverb effect to AudioRecord/PCM data and save it to a file?

Implement getMaxAmplitude for audioRecord

android get device overall audio output in pcm

how to record audio file with better quality in android?

Android AudioRecord initialization fails every time

How to limit audio recording time using Intent?

<AudioRecord> "Could not get audio input for record source 1"

Detect human voice from audio file input

Call recording - make it work on Nexus 5X (rooting or custom ROM possible)

Transfer data through audio jack cable over two Android devices

Android AudioRecord Supported Sampling Rates

Android AudioRecord example [closed]