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New posts in android-audiomanager

Android Receive Broadcast on Audio Focus change

Android: What Audio Mode should be set to send receive voice between devices

AudioManager sending message to a Handler on a dead thread?

How can I send a pre-recorded(wav) file during a voice call?

Controlling the volume of forced-to-speaker audio

Playing two sounds Simutaneosly

AudioManager setStreamVolume without flags

Detect whether headset has microphone

Headphone Jack Listener Android

Audiomanager Speaker not working

Android-dev AudioRecord without blocking or threads

how to mute the "beep" by MediaRecorder.start()?

Constantly check for volume change in Android services

Use AudioTrack with AudioManager setSpeakerphoneOn

What does the flag parameter mean and what is range of possible min and max of droid device

How to increase the ringer & notification volume programmatically in android

Android: Hide Volume change bar from device?

Speaker Volume (Alarm) decreases when Headphones are plugged in