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New posts in android-architecture-components

SavedStateHandle returning null values

How to pass Complex Types of Objects to WorkManager in android. i.e lists, maps, POJO

Android: Get a DAO in a ViewModel

Paging library - one recycler with multiple view types

Android LiveData - switchMap is not triggered on second update

Live Data Exception when using observable

Insert (or delete) single List item from LiveData

Android MVVM: How to handle network request failiures?

Could not resolve android.arch.lifecycle:extensions:1.1.0

Android MVVM: Does using Glide directly in a fragment break the MVVM pattern?

Use parcelable with safe args in navigation components

Which is better for Android MVVM package by feature or package by layer?

How should be implemented the ViewModel for an activity with many fields

AndroidViewModel with SavedState

EditText LiveData Two-way binding

Android Architecture Components(MVVM) - Ideal way to deal with remote and local data using repository pattern

Android Room Database: How to query alphabetically by name?