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New posts in android-architecture-components

Can I make the LiveData static?

Not getting notified on PagedList updates

How to propagate Livedata from Repository > ViewModel > Fragment

Trigger update for a LiveData member when another LiveData is updated in the view model

Android room migration add a list of enums

Authentication with Architecture Components MVVM, passing token from Repository to ViewModel

Displaying loading indicator with Paging Library

Android Paging (3) load all pages at once

Architecture Components ViewModels inject with dagger with params that come from the Activity/Fragment

Database Migration Failed due to unique constraint in room

Why are the repository classes singletons in this sample app?

How to restore recyclerview scroll position when using PagingDataAdapter?

MVVM with Android Architecture Components

Refresh data from a network using LiveData

Android Architecture navigation Component with Bottom Navigation?

NetworkBoundResource helper class without Room

How to stop blinking on recycler view with architecture components paging library

An Annotation argument must be a compile time constant

Android Paging library doesn't fire loadAfter()

Map LiveData<PagedList<X>> to LiveData<PagedList<Y>>