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New posts in amazon-rekognition

Solution to identify "Similar Product Images"?

Streaming webcam video to AWS Kinesis?

How to upload an image to AWS Rekognition using command line tools (AWS CLI)

How can I DetectFaces in Amazon Rekognition AWS with Android Studio?

AWS Rekognition gives an InvalidS3Exeption error

Google Cloud Vision - Which region does Google upload the images to?

AWS Rekognition JS SDK Invalid image encoding error

How do I convert local .JPG file to Base64 to work with Boto3 and Detect_Text?

AWS Rekognition detect label Invalid image encoding error

AWS Rekognition JavaScript SDK using Bytes

AWS Lambda Console - Upgrade boto3 version

Amazon Textract vs Amazon Rekognition DetectText

An example of calling AWS Rekognition HTTP API from Python

Amazon Rekognition for text detection