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New posts in amazon-kinesis

AWS Lambda Performance issues

AWS Lambda seems exiting before completion

Amazon AWS Kinesis Video Boto GetMedia/PutMedia

How to copy data in bulk from Kinesis -> Redshift

Why checkpoint is needed on an Amazon Kinesis stream when shutting down a shard?


Aws cloud formation template: how to provide StreamName for Kinesis resource?

Shard [shardId-000000000000] is not closed. This can happen if we constructed the list of shards while a reshard operation was in progress


Kinesis stream / shard - multiple consumers

aws-lambda amazon-kinesis

Kinesis partition key falls always in the same shard


How does kinesis firehose stream data to self managed elasticsearch?

AWS Lambda execution duration randomly spikes and causes time-outs

Is there any difference in processing times between AWS Kinesis Firehose and Streams?

Spark Streaming Guarantee Specific Start Window Time