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New posts in amazon-iam

Proper s3 permissions for users uploading image files with carrierwave

IAM Policy using Condition ec2:ResourceTag not working

CodeBuild unable to create Logs

Why changeResourceRecordSets gets not authorized to access this resource?

In 2018, what is the correct way to allow invocation of a single lambda function?

How to disable a user's password in AWS using boto3

Getting Bad configuration option: \377\376h

Using AWS API: Given IAM User, Get Current Effective IAM Policy Document

Is there a grace period when renewing IAM credentials via metadata query?

AWS IAM Access Management

AWS EMR Cluster fails to launch

AWS IAM: Allow EC2 instance to stop itself

Access Denied when creating CloudFront invalidation with AWS CLI

AWS Lambda S3 Access Denied

What is the real benefit of AWS IAM permission boundaries?

AWS CLI listing S3 buckets gives SignatureDoesNotMatch error using IAM user credentials

Restrict access to a particular Cloudfront distribution using IAM

Rename an IAM Role

Cannot create only IAM policy with cloudformation

How to choose an AWS profile when using boto3 to connect to CloudFront