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Amazon Web Service for Alexa

amazon-web-services alexa

issues with Claudia.js text responses and Alexa

OpenSSL SSL_connect: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL in connection to api.amazonalexa.com:443

php curl alexa

How do I handle 'Yes'/'No' responses from the user in Custom Skill?

How to store the data for the Alexa skill I am developing?

Alexa Custom Slot Type: No value in intent

How do Alexa and Google Analytics track demographics?

google-analytics alexa

How to get the account info of the user when the user uses an Alexa Skill

Amazon Polly in Alexa Skill?

Is there a way to use the CLI to configure an Alexa skill?

Alexa Skill - Update Intent programmatically

Can I create custom slot types dynamically in alexa voice service?

Amazon Alexa - How to create Generic Slot

HTTP request with Alexa and Lambda on SDK v2, how to make it works?

How to know the original country of a website?

php alexa

Getting an Alexa Slot value out of an intent

How to make phone call from custom alexa skill


How would I ask the user for a list of names?