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New posts in alexa-skills-kit

Can I create custom slot types dynamically in alexa voice service?

Amazon Alexa - How to create Generic Slot

HTTP request with Alexa and Lambda on SDK v2, how to make it works?

Can an Alexa custom skill get access to the voice stream/audio file of a user?

How do I create an Alexa Skill that gets data from an HTTP/HTTPS API (using "Alexa Skills Kit" for Node.js on AWS Lambda)

Getting an Alexa Slot value out of an intent

How would I ask the user for a list of names?

Alexa Skills Kit (ASK) and Utterances

Set background color for Alexa APL smart display devices

Only getting single word parameters from Alexa Skills Kit

How to use a single AWS Lambda for both Alexa Skills Kit and API.AI?

How to place a amazon product order through Alexa API


How to set a AWS lambda trigger to Alexa Skills programatically

AWS Lambda function times out when I require aws-sdk module

Issue with Null SpeechletResponse (Alexa)

How to get and use confirmation 'yes' or 'no' for Alexa skill intent response

alexa - audioPlayer.Play issue displaying content on Echo Show Now Playing screen

How to correctly specify SSML in an Alexa Skill lambda function?

Alexa - How to accept free text as input / slot. Is there any way apart from using a custom slot and providing a huge list?

Get unique device id for every amazon echo devices