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ADO.NET Best Practices for Connection and DataAdaptor Object Scope


How can I bind an Entity Framework association to a ComboBox?

The invocation of the constructor on type that matches the specified binding constraints threw an exception

AdventureWorks can't create ado.net entity data model

Update big table (a lot of columns). C# .NET

Reporting Services using Entity Framework

How do ADO.NET DataTable Constraints affect performance?

c# .net ado.net

Oracle Stored Procedure and custom data type

c# oracle ado.net

one-to-one relationships in Entity Framework 4 v2 with POCO

How to track changes in many SQL Server databases from .NET application?

How do I Add an Event Handler To the RowUpdated event in a table adapter

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Entity Framework 5.0 Benchmark Test

If SqlDataAdapter uses a data reader internally, why do people say that using a SqlDataReader is faster?

Duplicating values because of SQL string?

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Does an ADO.NET transaction need to be assigned to the command object when using Connection.CreateCommand()?

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Is the sort-order of table-valued-parameters guaranteed to remain the same?

How to Stream data from/to SQL Server BLOB fields?

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Missing ADO.net Entity framework template in VS 2010 SP1

Why doesn't NHibernate support batching on MySql

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Asynchronous ADO.NET

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