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JDBC and ADO.Net: API comparison

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Insert method of TableAdapter not working?

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Initial Catalog vs AttachDbFilename in Connection string ado.net

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Can low memory on IIS server cause SQL Timeouts (SQL Server on separate box)?

C# how to call a private constructor from a public one

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How do I create a Firebird database file programmatically?

Exception "Invalid column name 'False' with SqlConnection

Using DataTable.Load() method is not working in case two resultsets returned by DataReader

[ADO.NET error]: CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database 'master'. An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file HelloWorld.mdf failed

How do you prevent leading zeros from being stripped when importing an excel doc using c#

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How can I tell how many SQL Connections I have open in a windows service?

How to get only the schema of the database into a dataset?

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Query Multiple databases with single ado.net query

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How do I manually edit table mappings in ADO.NET in Visual Studio 2010?

Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data: execute multiple statements in one transaction

Keyword not supported exception when attempting to use a connection string that points to a ODBC DSN

GetCustomAttributes does not return value

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i am getting an error Argument 2 may not be passed with ref keyword while using ado.net

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How to determine whether SqlConnection is enlisted into a System.Transactions' tx or not?

How to best insert 350,000 rows with ADO.Net

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