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New posts in adapter

ViewPager doesn't always refresh when setAdapter is called, FragmentStatePagerAdapter

Using Cursor with ListView adapter for a large amount of data

How to call a method defined in a ListFragment from an adapter?

android adapter

Android, Custom ListAdapter get TextView-Text

android listview adapter

setOnItemClickListener not responding for Custom ListView

android listview adapter

Universal Image Loader gridview blinks after notifyDataSetChanged call

ViewPager PagerAdapter with cursor - CursorLoader.onLoadFinished doesnt get called with different query

How do I put multiple items on the same line in a ListView?

Multiple type parameters in Java methods, including existing classes and primitive data types

java oop adapter dynamic-proxy

recycling views in scroll view

overriding Adapter.getView

Holder Class in Adapter Class

android adapter

Using AsyncTask to load images into a custom adapter

Extremely Laggy RecyclerView Performance

Set OnClick Listener on button inside list view in android

Android Adapter multiple getView

android adapter

How do I make a class, which I can't change, implement an interface?

Best design pattern to use: adapter or facade

overridePendingTransition on gridview adapter

How to open Menu Context Android with click button in listview adapter?