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New posts in active-directory

ADFS authentication and impersonation from a Java (Spring MVC under Jetty) application

Passing a PowerShell variable as a cmdlet parameter

The right way to handle accounts in AD to have SSO for different applications

DirectoryServices.AccountManagement "old" password still validates after password change

When should server maintenance affect implementation descisions?

Reading Local Group Policy / Active Directory Settings

VBScript Error when calling GetObject("WinNT://JohnDoe,User")

Active Directory Custom User Profiles/Attributes?

Given a user's SID, how do I get their userPrincipalName?

What is the relationship, if any, between Active Directory groups and groups in Exchange?

Adding address information to active directory users

c# active-directory

UserPrincipal GetUnderlyingObject: properties missing

How to delete user in Active Directory using Java

java active-directory ldap

How to configure SSL in Spring LDAP?

spring ssl active-directory

How should I escape ldap special characters?

Pass a variable as a switch parameter in Powershell

AADSTS65001: The user or administrator has not consented to use the application with ID '<application ID>

Querying Active Directory using VBScript

Active Directory List OU's

IPrincipal.IsInRole() only works when I truncate the role names - why?