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New posts in actionbarsherlock

Fragment onResume doesn't get called after Fragment is being detached and then re-attached

HoloEverywhere CLassNotFoundException when using WebView

ActionBar is hiding when keyboard appears

android actionbarsherlock

Highlighting Selected item in menu-drawer/sliding menu

Android-Studio ActionBar sherlock error with gradle

Unable to clickon actionbar on robotium

Unable to instantiate activity ComponentInfo. Didn't find class

android actionbarsherlock

Custom Support Dialog Fragment text is the wrong color

Use ActionBarSherlock with Google map API V2

Remove extra icon at actionbar (when using ShareActionProvider and ActionBarSherlock)

Comparing The android action bar compat, pager and tabs sample to ActionBarSherlock

Android - ActionBarSherlock - Set textcolor of text in menu

Android Action Bar (Sherlock Action Bar) - Position the drop-down spinner all the way to the right

ViewPager + Fragments - Fragment not shown

How to add Holo Style Horizontal ProgressBar when minSdkVersion Less than 11?

android actionbarsherlock

SherlockFragmentActivity causing ClassNotFoundException

NoSuchMethodError getChildFragmentManager()

Android statusbar overlay with ActionBar

ActionBarSherlock - Tabs appearing ABOVE actionbar with custom view

Overriding onOptionsItemSelected from SherlockFragmentActivity

android actionbarsherlock