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New posts in access-modifiers

Package and visibility

php get visibility

C# - Internal Properties "readable" in quickwatch but not using reflection?

Why do we declare private fields when we have accessors and mutators? [duplicate]

java oop access-modifiers

How do Java public/private and static modifiers affect multiple variables declared on one line?

Can I define “method-private” fields in Scala?

Accessing clone() from java.lang.Object

Java - Class method can see private fields of same-class parameter

What kind of access modifiers can be applied to a class?

c# oop access-modifiers

Why private members get inherited?

Why would an OO language really need a PROTECTED access modifier?

C# Access Modifiers with Inheritance

What is the difference between the "protected" and "protected internal" modifiers in .NET?

.net access-modifiers

Why use public variables?

How do I get Visual Studio 2015 to create public properties when hitting "Ctrl + ."? [duplicate]

Internal classes with ADO.NET Entity Framework

I need to have a java method that can be accessed from anywhere within my API but cannot be accessed from the application using the API

accessing package-private fields in classes shared across Eclipse projects

Java define a explicit package-private modifier [closed]

Prevent visual studio from limiting the setter method to internal