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Package and visibility

I'm making an SDK and I'm trying to separate classes to different packages, those classes use some other shared classes. The issue is if I made the shared classes public everyone will be able to see them, not only my classes. What's the right way to make them only accessible by my application?

Example :

Package a MyClass1

Package b MyClass2

Package c public MySharedClass

Because c is public MySharedClass will be able to access it, but the issue is that it will also will be visible to the world, how could I prevent that?

like image 245
Jimmy Avatar asked Dec 22 '22 04:12


2 Answers

Create a package that is documented as an internal package, not to be used by clients.

There is no way in Java to make a class public only for certain packages: It either is public for everyone or package-private (public only in the declared package).

I think there's a proposal for modules to allow better control in the visibility of classes, but we'll have to wait, at least, for Java 8.

like image 113
Darkhogg Avatar answered Dec 24 '22 02:12


The packages are all "public" in Java, what you can protect is the classes within a package. For limiting the visibility of a class to only a given package, declare it like this (without the public visibility modifier):

class MyClass {
    // ...

In that way, only the classes in the same package as MyClass will be able to see it.

like image 32
Óscar López Avatar answered Dec 24 '22 01:12

Óscar López