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New posts in a-star

Heuristic function for finding the path using A star

How to speed up A* algorithm at large spatial scales?

How to deal with different sized objects in a pathfinding situation (A*, A-star)

path-finding a-star

What is the A* time complexity and how is it derived?

A* graph algorithm giving incorrect output

algorithm c++11 a-star

Heuristic for A*-Algorithm with irregular distances between nodes

A Star Pathfinding Algorithm Heuristic for Cube Surface

I don't understand A* Pathfinding

Anyone has implemented SMA* search algorithm?

A* manhattan distance

How to optimize A* (AStar) Search for Concave Shapes? (includes screenshots)

Can Unity NavMesh be used to implement an A* algorithm?

c# unity3d a-star navmesh

Performance of an A* search implemented in Clojure

Dijkstra Algorithm with Chebyshev Distance

A* pathfinder obstacle collision problem

c# path-finding a-star

A* implementation in PHP validation

Why do admissable heuristics guarantee optimality?

Why does my a-star algorithm expand too many nodes despite having a correct heuristic?

Use Google Go's Goroutines To Create A Bayes Network

Manhattan distance in A*