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New posts in .htaccess

Apache directive for file downloads

apache .htaccess

Prevent (stop) Apache from logging specific AJAX / XmlHttpRequests?

Is the www subdomain good practice?

.htaccess no-www

How to preserve POST data via ajax request after a .htaccess redirect?

PHP and .htaccess authentication solution

php apache .htaccess

mod_rewrite to remove .php extension AND preserve GET parameters

.htaccess mod-rewrite

difference between RewriteRule ^(.*)$ & RewriteRule (.*)$

htaccess custom php.ini vs php_value or php_flag

.htaccess php-ini

Turn on GZip for Laravel Ajax calls

Protect PDF docs from being directly accessed in URL

How to block spam and spam bots for good with htaccess?

How to convert this apache rewrite into nginx?

apache .htaccess nginx

.htaccess file not working on localhost XAMPP

php apache .htaccess

yii2 urlManager enablePrettyUrl not working

IIS and Yii2 pretty URL

.htaccess iis web-config yii2

Redirecting with htaccess to nodejs app

Does %{REQUEST_URI} always begin with slash?

Redirect users based on browser language (not in php) [closed]

html .htaccess redirect

HTTP request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS

CodeIgniter Localhost redirecting to xampp homescreen