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table sorting - I want to move Child rows along with parent while sorting the parent row

Question is : I want to move Child rows along with parent while I sort the parent row. I am using this js for sorting my table data. my html is like

    <tr class="parent">
        <th id="apple">Apple</th>
        <th id="orange">Orange</th>
    <tr class="parent">
    <tr class="child">
        <td>Apple 1</td>
        <td>Orange 1</td>
        <td>Banana 1</td>
    <tr class="child">
        <td>Apple 2</td>
        <td>Orange 2</td>
        <td>Banana 2</td>
    <tr class="parent">
    <tr class="child">
        <td>Table 1</td>
        <td>cHAIR 1</td>
        <td>Mouse 1</td>
    <tr class="child">
        <td>Table 2</td>
        <td>cHAIR 2</td>
        <td>Mouse 2</td>

js is like this:

jQuery.fn.sortElements = (function(){

        var sort = [].sort;

        return function(comparator, getSortable) {

            getSortable = getSortable || function(){return this;};

            var placements = this.map(function(){

                var sortElement = getSortable.call(this),
                    parentNode = sortElement.parentNode,

                    // Since the element itself will change position, we have
                    // to have some way of storing its original position in
                    // the DOM. The easiest way is to have a 'flag' node:
                    nextSibling = parentNode.insertBefore(

                return function() {

                    if (parentNode === this) {
                        throw new Error(
                            "You can't sort elements if any one is a descendant of another."

                    // Insert before flag:
                    parentNode.insertBefore(this, nextSibling);
                    // Remove flag:



            return sort.call(this, comparator).each(function(i){



Adding another JS:

$('#apple, #orange')
          var th = $(this),
              thIndex = th.index(),
              inverse = false;

          th.click(function() {

              // sorting classes don't work here b/c this function gets called repeatedly - moved to afterRequest: function

              table.find('tr.parent td').filter(function(){

                  return $(this).index() === thIndex;

              }).sortElements(function(a, b){
                      return $.text([a]) > $.text([b]) ?
                          inverse ? -1 : 1
                          : inverse ? 1 : -1;

                  }, function(){
                      // parentNode is the element we want to move

                      return this.parentNode;

                    //  this.parentNode
              inverse = !inverse;


like image 662
richa_pandey Avatar asked Sep 20 '13 13:09


3 Answers

Assume your sortElements work correctly.Create a association before you sort,and append behind the parent after sort:

//the sort logic
//add association before sort
    var child=$(this).nextUntil('.parent');
     var lengthb= $(b).children("td").first().text().length 
     var lengtha= $(a).children("td").first().text().length
     return lengthb-lengtha;
//append child
     var child=$(this).data("child-node");

check code http://jsfiddle.net/zHbDm/

like image 143
coonooo Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 12:11


I'm not sure if I understand your question correctly.

This can be used to select all of the next rows that are children.


You can also include the parent in the selector by adding .addBack()

like image 43
BlazeMan Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 12:11


Since you are already building on to jQuery, I would suggest you look into DataTables jQuery plugin since they already do much of this type of work for you. You just have to do configuration.

like image 3
guydog28 Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 10:11
