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T-SQL UNION On 3 Tables?




Is this possible? Using SQL Server 2005.......

FROM Data0304 
FROM Data0506
FROM Data0708
like image 797
Goober Avatar asked Feb 25 '10 17:02


People also ask

Can we use UNION with 3 tables in SQL?

Conclusion. Combining several tables to one large table is possible in all 3 ways. As we have seen, the behavior of UNION in SQL Server and UNION in DAX within Power BI is very similar.

Can inner join be for 3 tables?

The most common way of joining three tables goes something like this: SELECT * FROM Table1 INNER JOIN Table2 ON Condition INNER JOIN Table3 ON Condition; This uses an inner join, but you can specify your desired join type as with any other join. You can also combine join types if required (example below).

How do you UNION all tables in SQL?

Example - Single Field With Same Name For example: SELECT supplier_id FROM suppliers UNION ALL SELECT supplier_id FROM orders ORDER BY supplier_id; This SQL UNION ALL example would return the supplier_id multiple times in the result set if that same value appeared in both the suppliers and orders table.

2 Answers

When you say

columns are same

that means,

number of columns and data types and their lengths and their order

should be same.


will include duplicate records only once in the result and


will include all the duplicate records.

like image 153
Ravindra Gullapalli Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 08:10

Ravindra Gullapalli

As long as the columns are the same in all three tables, but you might want to use UNION ALL to ensure duplicates are included.

like image 24
Keith Adler Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 08:10

Keith Adler