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T-SQL Insert or update

I have a question regarding performance of SQL Server.

Suppose I have a table persons with the following columns: id, name, surname.

Now, I want to insert a new row in this table. The rule is the following:

  1. If id is not present in the table, then insert the row.

  2. If id is present, then update.

I have two solutions here:


update persons
  set id=@p_id, name=@p_name, surname=@p_surname
where id=@p_id
if @@ROWCOUNT = 0 
  insert into persons(id, name, surname)
  values (@p_id, @p_name, @p_surname)


if exists (select id from persons where id = @p_id)
  update persons
    set id=@p_id, name=@p_name, surname=@p_surname
  where id=@p_id
  insert into persons(id, name, surname)
  values (@p_id, @p_name, @p_surname)

What is a better approach? It seems like in the second choice, to update a row, it has to be searched two times, whereas in the first option - just once. Are there any other solutions to the problem? I am using MS SQL 2000.

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Markus Avatar asked Feb 16 '10 20:02


People also ask

Can we use insert or update in SQL?

INSERT OR UPDATE table query inserts or updates rows of data the come from the result set of a SELECT query. The columns in the result set must match the columns in the table. You can use INSERT OR UPDATE with a SELECT to populate a table with existing data extracted from other tables.

Is insert faster than update SQL?

Insertion is inserting a new key and update is updating the value of an existing key. If that is the case (a very common case) , update would be faster than insertion because update involves an indexed lookup and changing an existing value without touching the index.

Is insert is same as update?

Insert is for adding data to the table, update is for updating data that is already in the table.

4 Answers

Option 1 seems good. However, if you're on SQL Server 2008, you could also use MERGE, which may perform good for such UPSERT tasks.

Note that you may want to use an explicit transaction and the XACT_ABORT option for such tasks, so that the transaction consistency remains in the case of a problem or concurrent change.

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Lucero Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 20:10


Both work fine, but I usually use option 2 (pre-mssql 2008) since it reads a bit more clearly. I wouldn't stress about the performance here either...If it becomes an issue, you can use NOLOCK in the exists clause. Though before you start using NOLOCK everywhere, make sure you've covered all your bases (indexes and big picture architecture stuff). If you know you will be updating every item more than once, then it might pay to consider option 1.

Option 3 is to not use destructive updates. It takes more work, but basically you insert a new row every time the data changes (never update or delete from the table) and have a view that selects all the most recent rows. It's useful if you want the table to contain a history of all its previous states, but it can also be overkill.

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dan Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 19:10


I tend to use option 1. If there is record in a table, you save one search. If there isn't, you don't loose anything. Moreover, in the second option you may run into funny locking and deadlocking issues related to locks incompatibility. There's some more info on my blog:


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Piotr Rodak Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 19:10

Piotr Rodak

You could just use @@RowCount to see if the update did anything. Something like:

    UPDATE MyTable
       SET SomeData = 'Some Data' WHERE ID = 1
    IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0
        INSERT MyTable
        SELECT 1, 'Some Data'       
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KISS Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 21:10