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T-SQL How to convert comma separated string of numbers to integer

I get the error "Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value '23,24,3,45,91,' to data type int." The error seems to be occuring on the ON clause. E.ID is an integer field while F.LegalIssue is a varchar field of integers separated by commas. Below is the code with that error.

SELECT F.[FDTitle], E.PrimaryOpID as [FD Primary OP ID], F.County as [FD County], F.Status as [FD Status], F.IssueDate as [FD Date]
FROM [dbo].[tbl_FinalDetMain] F
LEFT OUTER JOIN [dbo].[tbl_lk_Exemptions_FD] E ON E.ID = F.LegalIssue
WHERE F.[FDNbr] = '2013-0041'

I have tried the code below for the on clause, but it only returns one integer value, instead of the entire string of integers.

E.ID = cast(LEFT(F.LegalIssue,PATINDEX('%[^0-9]%',F.LegalIssue)-1) as int)

The result should include five integers delimited by commas.

like image 234
Frank from DCED Avatar asked Sep 11 '13 14:09

Frank from DCED

People also ask

Can string be converted to integer in SQL?

Related SQL FunctionsCAST and CONVERT can be used to convert a string to a number of any data type. For example, you can convert a string to a number of data type INTEGER. TO_DATE converts a formatted date string to a date integer.

How do you convert a string to int with a comma?

To convert a comma-separated number to an integer:Use the str. replace() method to remove the commas from the string. Use the int() class to convert the string to an integer.

How get data from comma separated values in SQL?

In order to fetch the comma separated (delimited) values from the Stored Procedure, you need to make use of a variable with data type and size same as the Output parameter and pass it as Output parameter using OUTPUT keyword.

2 Answers

If LegalIssue contains a string of comma-delimited numbers, then you really want an association table. Lacking that, here is a convenient (but not efficient) way to do the join:

SELECT F.[FDTitle], E.PrimaryOpID as [FD Primary OP ID], F.County as [FD County],
       F.Status as [FD Status], F.IssueDate as [FD Date]
FROM [dbo].[tbl_FinalDetMain] F LEFT OUTER JOIN
      [dbo].[tbl_lk_Exemptions_FD] E
      ON ','+F.LegalIssue+',' like '%,'cast(E.ID as varchar(255))+',%'
WHERE F.[FDNbr] = '2013-0041';

This prepends and postpends the list with commas to avoid conflicts, such as finding "10" in "1,100,1000".

like image 88
Gordon Linoff Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 19:09

Gordon Linoff

Using xml datatype, you can explode your string to integers like this. Good candidate for a user defined function I would say :-)

declare @test varchar(max)

set @test = '1,2,3,4,5'

     (select convert(xml,'<items><t>'+replace(@test,',','</t><t>')+'</t></items>') as xmldoc)
as xmltable
     CROSS APPLY xmltable.xmldoc.nodes('/items/t') as T2(item) 
like image 21
jbl Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 19:09
