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System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog does not enforce default extension

I am trying to make SaveFileDialog and FileOpenDialog enforce an extension to the file name entered by the user. I've tried using the sample proposed in question 389070 but it does not work as intended:

var dialog = new SaveFileDialog())

dialog.AddExtension = true;
dialog.DefaultExt = "foo";
dialog.Filter = "Foo Document (*.foo)|*.foo";

if (dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)

If the user types the text test in a folder where a file test.xml happens to exist, the dialog will suggest the name test.xml (whereas I really only want to see *.foo in the list). Worse: if the user selects test.xml, then I will indeed get test.xml as the output file name.

How can I make sure that SaveFileDialog really only allows the user to select a *.foo file? Or at least, that it replaces/adds the extension when the user clicks Save?

The suggested solutions (implement the FileOk event handler) only do part of the job, as I really would like to disable the Save button if the file name has the wrong extension.

In order to stay in the dialog and update the file name displayed in the text box in the FileOk handler, to reflect the new file name with the right extension, see the following related question.

like image 533
Pierre Arnaud Avatar asked Oct 21 '09 06:10

Pierre Arnaud

People also ask

How do I use SaveFileDialog?

The SaveFileDialog component allows users to browse the file system and select files to be saved. The dialog box returns the path and name of the file the user has selected in the dialog box. However, you must write the code to actually write the files to disk.

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The extension added to a file name depends on the currently selected file filter and the value of the CheckFileExists property. If the CheckFileExists property is true , the dialog box adds the first extension from the current file filter that matches an existing file.

Which property of Openfiledialog is set to add extension to filename if the user does not supply any extension?

AddExtension Property: "Gets or sets a value indicating whether the dialog box automatically adds an extension to a file name if the user omits the extension."

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We have set the Filter property of the SaveFileDialog control to display text file types with . txt extensions only. Write some text in the text box and click on the Save Comment button to save the text as a text file in your computer.

2 Answers

You can handle the FileOk event, and cancel it if it's not the correct extension

private saveFileDialog_FileOk(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
    if (!saveFileDialog.FileName.EndsWith(".foo"))
        MessageBox.Show("Please select a filename with the '.foo' extension");
        e.Cancel = true;
like image 174
Thomas Levesque Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 12:10

Thomas Levesque

AFAIK there's no reliable way to enforce a given file extension. It is a good practice anyway to verify the correct extension, once the dialog is closed and inform the user that he selected an invalid file if the extension doesn't match.

like image 37
Darin Dimitrov Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 12:10

Darin Dimitrov