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System.Version not serialized

I've got a class with a System.Version property, which looks like this:

  • Version
    • Build: 111
    • Major: 1
    • MajorRevision: 0
    • Minor: 1
    • MinorRevision: 10
    • Revision: 10

When I serialize the class, version is always empty:

<Version /> 

The Client class looks like:

[Serializable] public class Client {     public string Description;     public string Directory;     public DateTime ReleaseDate;     public Version Version; } 
like image 774
MysticEarth Avatar asked Jan 18 '10 12:01


People also ask

What does serialized mean in C#?

Serialization is the process of converting an object into a stream of bytes to store the object or transmit it to memory, a database, or a file. Its main purpose is to save the state of an object in order to be able to recreate it when needed. The reverse process is called deserialization.

How do you know if an object is serialized?

You can determine whether an object is serializable at run time by retrieving the value of the IsSerializable property of a Type object that represents that object's type.

What is non serialized attribute in serialization?

The target objects for the NonSerializedAttribute attribute are public and private fields of a serializable class. By default, classes are not serializable unless they are marked with SerializableAttribute. During the serialization process all the public and private fields of a class are serialized by default.

What are the types of serialization?

There are three types of serialization in . Net : Binary Serialization, SOAP Serialization and XML Serialization.

1 Answers

System.Version is not serializable, if you look at it's properties on MSDN, you'll see they have no setters...so the serializer won't store them. However, this approach still works. That article (old but still works) provides a Version class that is serializable, can you switch to that and get going?

Edit by tomfanning
I have fished the code from the dead site out of archive.org, reproduced below.

using System; using System.Globalization; namespace CubicOrange.Version {     /// <summary>     /// Serializable version of the System.Version class.     /// </summary>     [Serializable]     public class ModuleVersion : ICloneable, IComparable     {         private int major;         private int minor;         private int build;         private int revision;         /// <summary>         /// Gets the major.         /// </summary>         /// <value></value>         public int Major         {             get             {                 return major;             }             set             {                 major = value;             }         }         /// <summary>         /// Gets the minor.         /// </summary>         /// <value></value>         public int Minor         {             get             {                 return minor;             }             set             {                 minor = value;             }         }         /// <summary>         /// Gets the build.         /// </summary>         /// <value></value>         public int Build         {             get             {                 return build;             }             set             {                 build = value;             }         }         /// <summary>         /// Gets the revision.         /// </summary>         /// <value></value>         public int Revision         {             get             {                 return revision;             }             set             {                 revision = value;             }         }         /// <summary>         /// Creates a new <see cref="ModuleVersion"/> instance.         /// </summary>         public ModuleVersion()         {             this.build = -1;             this.revision = -1;             this.major = 0;             this.minor = 0;         }         /// <summary>         /// Creates a new <see cref="ModuleVersion"/> instance.         /// </summary>         /// <param name="version">Version.</param>         public ModuleVersion(string version)         {             this.build = -1;             this.revision = -1;             if (version == null)             {                 throw new ArgumentNullException("version");             }             char[] chArray1 = new char[1] { '.' };             string[] textArray1 = version.Split(chArray1);             int num1 = textArray1.Length;             if ((num1 < 2) || (num1 > 4))             {                 throw new ArgumentException("Arg_VersionString");             }             this.major = int.Parse(textArray1[0], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);             if (this.major < 0)             {                 throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("version", "ArgumentOutOfRange_Version");             }             this.minor = int.Parse(textArray1[1], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);             if (this.minor < 0)             {                 throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("version", "ArgumentOutOfRange_Version");             }             num1 -= 2;             if (num1 > 0)             {                 this.build = int.Parse(textArray1[2], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);                 if (this.build < 0)                 {                     throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("build", "ArgumentOutOfRange_Version");                 }                 num1--;                 if (num1 > 0)                 {                     this.revision = int.Parse(textArray1[3], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);                     if (this.revision < 0)                     {                         throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("revision", "ArgumentOutOfRange_Version");                     }                 }             }         }         /// <summary>         /// Creates a new <see cref="ModuleVersion"/> instance.         /// </summary>         /// <param name="major">Major.</param>         /// <param name="minor">Minor.</param>         public ModuleVersion(int major, int minor)         {             this.build = -1;             this.revision = -1;             if (major < 0)             {                 throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("major", "ArgumentOutOfRange_Version");             }             if (minor < 0)             {                 throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("minor", "ArgumentOutOfRange_Version");             }             this.major = major;             this.minor = minor;             this.major = major;         }         /// <summary>         /// Creates a new <see cref="ModuleVersion"/> instance.         /// </summary>         /// <param name="major">Major.</param>         /// <param name="minor">Minor.</param>         /// <param name="build">Build.</param>         public ModuleVersion(int major, int minor, int build)         {             this.build = -1;             this.revision = -1;             if (major < 0)             {                 throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("major", "ArgumentOutOfRange_Version");             }             if (minor < 0)             {                 throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("minor", "ArgumentOutOfRange_Version");             }             if (build < 0)             {                 throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("build", "ArgumentOutOfRange_Version");             }             this.major = major;             this.minor = minor;             this.build = build;         }         /// <summary>         /// Creates a new <see cref="ModuleVersion"/> instance.         /// </summary>         /// <param name="major">Major.</param>         /// <param name="minor">Minor.</param>         /// <param name="build">Build.</param>         /// <param name="revision">Revision.</param>         public ModuleVersion(int major, int minor, int build, int revision)         {             this.build = -1;             this.revision = -1;             if (major < 0)             {                 throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("major", "ArgumentOutOfRange_Version");             }             if (minor < 0)             {                 throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("minor", "ArgumentOutOfRange_Version");             }             if (build < 0)             {                 throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("build", "ArgumentOutOfRange_Version");             }             if (revision < 0)             {                 throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("revision", "ArgumentOutOfRange_Version");             }             this.major = major;             this.minor = minor;             this.build = build;             this.revision = revision;         }         #region ICloneable Members         /// <summary>         /// Clones this instance.         /// </summary>         /// <returns></returns>         public object Clone()         {             ModuleVersion version1 = new ModuleVersion();             version1.major = this.major;             version1.minor = this.minor;             version1.build = this.build;             version1.revision = this.revision;             return version1;         }         #endregion         #region IComparable Members         /// <summary>         /// Compares to.         /// </summary>         /// <param name="obj">Obj.</param>         /// <returns></returns>         public int CompareTo(object version)         {             if (version == null)             {                 return 1;             }             if (!(version is ModuleVersion))             {                 throw new ArgumentException("Arg_MustBeVersion");             }             ModuleVersion version1 = (ModuleVersion)version;             if (this.major != version1.Major)             {                 if (this.major > version1.Major)                 {                     return 1;                 }                 return -1;             }             if (this.minor != version1.Minor)             {                 if (this.minor > version1.Minor)                 {                     return 1;                 }                 return -1;             }             if (this.build != version1.Build)             {                 if (this.build > version1.Build)                 {                     return 1;                 }                 return -1;             }             if (this.revision == version1.Revision)             {                 return 0;             }             if (this.revision > version1.Revision)             {                 return 1;             }             return -1;         }         #endregion         /// <summary>         /// Equalss the specified obj.         /// </summary>         /// <param name="obj">Obj.</param>         /// <returns></returns>         public override bool Equals(object obj)         {             if ((obj == null) || !(obj is ModuleVersion))             {                 return false;             }             ModuleVersion version1 = (ModuleVersion)obj;             if (((this.major == version1.Major) && (this.minor == version1.Minor)) && (this.build == version1.Build) && (this.revision == version1.Revision))             {                 return true;             }             return false;         }         /// <summary>         /// Gets the hash code.         /// </summary>         /// <returns></returns>         public override int GetHashCode()         {             int num1 = 0;             num1 |= ((this.major & 15) << 0x1c);             num1 |= ((this.minor & 0xff) << 20);             num1 |= ((this.build & 0xff) << 12);             return (num1 | this.revision & 0xfff);         }         /// <summary>         /// Operator ==s the specified v1.         /// </summary>         /// <param name="v1">V1.</param>         /// <param name="v2">V2.</param>         /// <returns></returns>         public static bool operator ==(ModuleVersion v1, ModuleVersion v2)         {             return v1.Equals(v2);         }         /// <summary>         /// Operator &gt;s the specified v1.         /// </summary>         /// <param name="v1">V1.</param>         /// <param name="v2">V2.</param>         /// <returns></returns>         public static bool operator >(ModuleVersion v1, ModuleVersion v2)         {             return (v2 < v1);         }         /// <summary>         /// Operator &gt;=s the specified v1.         /// </summary>         /// <param name="v1">V1.</param>         /// <param name="v2">V2.</param>         /// <returns></returns>         public static bool operator >=(ModuleVersion v1, ModuleVersion v2)         {             return (v2 <= v1);         }         /// <summary>         /// Operator !=s the specified v1.         /// </summary>         /// <param name="v1">V1.</param>         /// <param name="v2">V2.</param>         /// <returns></returns>         public static bool operator !=(ModuleVersion v1, ModuleVersion v2)         {             return (v1 != v2);         }         /// <summary>         /// Operator &lt;s the specified v1.         /// </summary>         /// <param name="v1">V1.</param>         /// <param name="v2">V2.</param>         /// <returns></returns>         public static bool operator <(ModuleVersion v1, ModuleVersion v2)         {             if (v1 == null)             {                 throw new ArgumentNullException("v1");             }             return (v1.CompareTo(v2) < 0);         }         /// <summary>         /// Operator &lt;=s the specified v1.         /// </summary>         /// <param name="v1">V1.</param>         /// <param name="v2">V2.</param>         /// <returns></returns>         public static bool operator <=(ModuleVersion v1, ModuleVersion v2)         {             if (v1 == null)             {                 throw new ArgumentNullException("v1");             }             return (v1.CompareTo(v2) <= 0);         }         /// <summary>         /// Toes the string.         /// </summary>         /// <returns></returns>         public override string ToString()         {             if (this.build == -1)             {                 return this.ToString(2);             }             if (this.revision == -1)             {                 return this.ToString(3);             }             return this.ToString(4);         }         /// <summary>         /// Toes the string.         /// </summary>         /// <param name="fieldCount">Field count.</param>         /// <returns></returns>         public string ToString(int fieldCount)         {             object[] objArray1;             switch (fieldCount)             {                 case 0:                     {                         return string.Empty;                     }                 case 1:                     {                         return (this.major.ToString());                     }                 case 2:                     {                         return (this.major.ToString() + "." + this.minor.ToString());                     }             }             if (this.build == -1)             {                 throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("ArgumentOutOfRange_Bounds_Lower_Upper {0},{1}", "0", "2"), "fieldCount");             }             if (fieldCount == 3)             {                 objArray1 = new object[5] { this.major, ".", this.minor, ".", this.build };                 return string.Concat(objArray1);             }             if (this.revision == -1)             {                 throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("ArgumentOutOfRange_Bounds_Lower_Upper {0},{1}", "0", "3"), "fieldCount");             }             if (fieldCount == 4)             {                 objArray1 = new object[7] { this.major, ".", this.minor, ".", this.build, ".", this.revision };                 return string.Concat(objArray1);             }             throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("ArgumentOutOfRange_Bounds_Lower_Upper {0},{1}", "0", "4"), "fieldCount");         }     } } 
like image 124
Nick Craver Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 21:09

Nick Craver