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Attributes vs. CustomAttributes in PropertyInfo

I've been working with Reflections and wanted to get all the attributes declared for a property. There are two properties under PropertInfo class which are CustomAttributes and Attributes.

According to the MSDN, they are explained as follows:


This property represents the attributes associated with a member. All members have a set of attributes that are defined in relation to the specific type of member. The property attributes let the user know if this property is the default property, a SpecialName property, and so on.

Note: The code sample given in the PropertyInfo.Attributes page doesn't even work.

Custom Attributes:

An array that contains all the custom attributes applied to this member, or an array with zero elements if no attributes are defined.

However, when I run this code for them, Attributes returns nothing while CustomAttributes returns Required.

void Main() {     var attributes = typeof(Myproperty).GetProperty("Caption").CustomAttributes;     //var attributes = typeof(Myproperty).GetProperty("Caption").Attributes;     attributes.Dump(); //Dump is a LinqPad method which dumps everything to the outpu window }  public class Myproperty {     private string caption = "Default caption";      [Required]     public string Caption     {         get{return caption;}         set {if(caption!=value) {caption = value;}         }     } } 
like image 790
Tarik Avatar asked Jul 30 '13 18:07


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1 Answers

PropertyInfo.Attributes doesn't have anything to do with the Attribute class. Check the PropertyAttributes enumeration for values you may encounter. These are CLR implementation details that have no obvious connection to C# code. Yes, that was an unfortunate naming choice.

To find attributes like your [Required] attribute you must use the CustomAttributes property.

like image 166
Hans Passant Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 08:10

Hans Passant