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"System.InvalidOperationException: The object is currently in use elsewhere" - how do I resolve this?

I got this error when trying to update an image. It was a cross-thread update, but I used .Invoke(), so that shouldn't be the problem, should it.

like image 665
Benjol Avatar asked Oct 29 '08 07:10


2 Answers

(Answering my own question, for others, and for future reference)

I think (not yet entirely sure) that this is because InvokeRequired will always return false if the control has not yet been loaded/shown. I have done a workaround which seems to work for the moment, which is to simple reference the handle of the associated control in its creator, like so:

var x = this.Handle; 

(See http://ikriv.com:8765/en/prog/info/dotnet/MysteriousHang.html - down? cached version)

(Related question: Boiler plate code replacement - is there anything bad about this code?)

like image 143
Benjol Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 10:10


If the handle doesn't yet exist, you can force it by subclassing the control and calling CreateHandle; however, the bigger question is: why are you doing things with a form that hasn't been loaded? Personally I'd only start such an operation after Load.

like image 24
Marc Gravell Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 08:10

Marc Gravell