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sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK) what does it return?





I was trying to understand various sysconf macros.I have written a program as below.

int main()
    fprintf(stdout, "No. of clock ticks per sec : %ld\n",sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK));
    return 0;

I always get the result as 100.I am running it on a CPU that is clocked at 2.93GHz.What does the number 100 exactly mean.?

like image 886
liv2hak Avatar asked Nov 12 '13 02:11


2 Answers

It's just the number of clock ticks per second, in your case the kernel is configured for 100 clocks per second (or 100Hz clock).

like image 156
iabdalkader Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 02:10


The number of clock ticks per second can be found by the sysconf system call,

printf ("_SC_CLK_TCK = %ld\n", sysconf (_SC_CLK_TCK));

A typical value of clock ticks per second is 100. That is, in this case, there is a clock tick every 10 milliseconds or 0.01 second. To convert the clock_t values, returned by times, into seconds one has to divide by the number of clock ticks per second. An example program using the times and sysconf (_SC_CLK_TCK) system calls is,

#include <stdio.h> 
#include <string.h> 
#include <stdlib.h> 
#include <unistd.h> 
#include <time.h> 
#include <sys/times.h> 

int main ()
    clock_t ct0, ct1; 
    struct tms tms0, tms1; 
    int i; 

    if ((ct0 = times (&tms0)) == -1) 
        perror ("times"); 

    printf ("_SC_CLK_TCK = %ld\n", sysconf (_SC_CLK_TCK)); 

    for (i = 0; i < 10000000; i++) 

    if ((ct1 = times (&tms1)) == -1) 
        perror ("times"); 

    printf ("ct0 = %ld, times: %ld %ld %ld %ld\n", ct0, tms0.tms_utime,
        tms0.tms_cutime, tms0.tms_stime, tms0.tms_cstime); 
    printf ("ct1 = %ld, times: %ld %ld %ld %ld\n", ct1, tms1.tms_utime,
        tms1.tms_cutime, tms1.tms_stime, tms1.tms_cstime); 
    printf ("ct1 - ct0 = %ld\n", ct1 - ct0); 



like image 1
user3163041 Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 04:10
