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syntax for single row MERGE / upsert in SQL Server

I'm trying to do a single row insert/update on a table but all the examples out there are for sets.

Can anyone fix my syntax please:

MERGE member_topic ON mt_member = 0 AND mt_topic = 110 WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET mt_notes = 'test' WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (mt_member, mt_topic, mt_notes) VALUES (0, 110, 'test') 

Resolution per marc_s is to convert the single row to a subquery - which makes me think the MERGE command is not really intended for single row upserts.

MERGE member_topic USING (SELECT 0 mt_member, 110 mt_topic) as source ON member_topic.mt_member = source.mt_member AND member_topic.mt_topic = source.mt_topic WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET mt_notes = 'test' WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (mt_member, mt_topic, mt_notes) VALUES (0, 110, 'test'); 
like image 903
Jacob Avatar asked Mar 19 '10 17:03


People also ask

What is the syntax for MERGE in SQL?

Here is the new MERGE syntax: MERGE <target_table> [AS TARGET] USING <table_source> [AS SOURCE] ON <search_condition> [WHEN MATCHED THEN <merge_matched> ] [WHEN NOT MATCHED [BY TARGET] THEN <merge_not_matched> ] [WHEN NOT MATCHED BY SOURCE THEN <merge_matched> ];

How do I MERGE rows in SQL Server?

You can concatenate rows into single string using COALESCE method. This COALESCE method can be used in SQL Server version 2008 and higher. All you have to do is, declare a varchar variable and inside the coalesce, concat the variable with comma and the column, then assign the COALESCE to the variable.


A relational database management system uses SQL MERGE (also called upsert) statements to INSERT new records or UPDATE existing records depending on whether condition matches. It was officially introduced in the SQL:2003 standard, and expanded in the SQL:2008 standard.

2 Answers

i finally got the Upsert syntax using MERGE in SQL Server 2008. Using what Jacob wanted to do (an Upsert):

IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM member_topic WHERE mt_member = 0 AND mt_topic = 110) BEGIN     --update existing row     UPDATE member_topic SET mt_notes = 'test'     WHERE mt_member = 0     AND mt_topic = 110 END ELSE BEGIN     --insert new row     INSERT INTO member_topic (mt_member, mt_topic, mt_notes)     VALUES (0, 110, 'test') END 

The equivalent MERGE syntax is:

MERGE member_topic USING (      VALUES (0, 110, 'test') ) AS foo (mt_member, mt_topic, mt_notes)  ON member_topic.mt_member = foo.mt_member     AND member_topic.mt_topic = foo.mt_topic WHEN MATCHED THEN    UPDATE SET mt_notes = foo.mt_notes WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN    INSERT (mt_member, mt_topic, mt_notes)    VALUES (foo.mt_member, foo.mt_topic, foo.mt_notes) ; --A MERGE statement must be terminated by a semi-colon (;). 
like image 188
Ian Boyd Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 11:09

Ian Boyd

Basically, you're on the right track - but you're missing a source from where you want to merge the data - try something like this:

MERGE     member_topic AS target USING     someOtherTable AS source ON     target.mt_member = source.mt_member     AND source.mt_member = 0     AND source.mt_topic = 110 WHEN MATCHED THEN     UPDATE SET mt_notes = 'test' WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN     INSERT (mt_member, mt_topic, mt_notes) VALUES (0, 110, 'test') ;  

There is no special syntax for a single row MERGE - all you need to do is use a proper clause. With that proper condition in the ON clause, you can limit the source to a single row - no problem.

And don't forget the trailing semicolon! No joke - it's important!

See this blog post for a really good intro to MERGE.

like image 36
marc_s Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 11:09
