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Syncing a single file and keeping N levels of folder structure



I have the following structure:


I want to backup only the config.xml file to another folder keeping the folder structure the same in the new folder, but pruning away /User/build/.jenkins/jobs

My new folder would look like this:


Is this possible to do using rsync?

Edit: had accidentally included the someotherfiles.blah in the output, I actually don't want those. All I want is the config.xml file along with the folder structure 1 level up.

like image 633
ThaDon Avatar asked Dec 13 '13 20:12


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1 Answers

This should work:

rsync -r --include=Job* --include=config.xml --exclude=* /full/path/to/Users/build/.jenkins/ backup

The full path is not copied to the backup directory unless you pass the -R option to rsync. If you include Job* and config.xml and then exclude * (order is important, because the first match to an include or exclude rule determines what gets copied), you end up with the structure you want. If having the explicit Job* pattern is too restrictive, the manual says you should be able to use the */ pattern:

One solution is to ask for all directories in the hierarchy to be included by using a single rule: "+ */" (put it somewhere before the "- *" rule)

See the whole INCLUDE/EXCLUDE PATTERN RULES section of the manual page for more details.

like image 156
Paulo Almeida Avatar answered May 13 '23 12:05

Paulo Almeida