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Symfony2 : Unit testing with sqlite

I'm using phpunit with Symfony2.

I decided to use sqlite for my tests.

The issue I'm having is that the foreign keys constraints are ignored.

I know I have to execute the following query in order to use foreign keys : PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON).

My question is : is there a way to always use foreign keys when creating the database schema with sqlite ?

Thanks !

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Brice Avatar asked Oct 14 '14 14:10


1 Answers

Unfortunately it is impossible. Accordingly to SQLite documentation:

Assuming the library is compiled with foreign key constraints enabled, it must still be enabled by the application at runtime, using the PRAGMA foreign_keys command.

I would suggest to create your own test case class and use setUp() method to enable foreign keys.

class SQLiteTestCase extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
  protected function setUp()
    // Here add your code to enable foreign keys

class MyTest extends SQLiteTestCase
  protected function setUp()
    // Setup your test data-set here
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Aleksander Wons Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 12:10

Aleksander Wons