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symfony2 FOSRestBundle annotations

Is anyone used put, get, post, delete annotations(https://github.com/FriendsOfSymfony/FOSRestBundle/blob/master/Controller/Annotations/) in controller.

I'm trying to use it like this, but it still takes get methods. What is the purpose of those Annotations in FOSRestBundle

 * @Route("/get/{id}", defaults={"_format" = "json"})
 * @Post
public function getObject($id) {    
    $object = $this->getService()->findById($id);
     return $object;
like image 668
user257980 Avatar asked Oct 24 '11 07:10


1 Answers

I want to share info about all annotations.

@Get, @Post, @Put, @Delete, @Head, @Patch are shortcuts for @Route + @Method, instead of using them both, you can just specify one, e.g.:

     * @Get("/hello/{id}")
    public function helloAction($id)
        return array();

Info about @View is in doc: https://github.com/FriendsOfSymfony/FOSRestBundle/blob/master/Resources/doc/3-listener-support.md

@View //Guess template name
@View("AcmeHelloBundle::layout.html.twig") //Load Resources/views/layout.html.twig
@View("AcmeHelloBundle::layout.html.twig", templateVar="test") // if returned data doesn't 
    // have a key (e.g. return array("string", 5) instead of default variable 'data', 
    // it's placed inside 'test' variable inside template.
@View(statusCode=204) // set HTTP header's status code

Name prefix can be added either to routing.yml file or as a annotation. It is also documented - https://github.com/FriendsOfSymfony/FOSRestBundle/blob/master/Resources/doc/6-automatic-route-generation_multiple-restful-controllers.md :

Sometimes, routes auto-naming will lead to route names collisions, so RestBundle route collections provides a name_prefix (name-prefix for xml/yml and @NamePrefix for annotations) parameter:

  #src/Acme/HelloBundle/Resources/config/users_routes.yml comments:
     type:         rest
     resource:     "@AcmeHelloBundle\Controller\CommentsController"
     name_prefix:  api_

With this configuration, route name would become: api_vote_user_comment

@Prefix is especially useful when you have parent resource and need to add prefix before child one. Example:


class UsersController extends Controller
    public function getUserAction($slug)
    {} // "get_user"   [GET] /users/{slug}


class CommentsController extends Controller
    public function getCommentAction($slug, $id)
    {} // "get_user_comment"    [GET] 

Now the action getCommentAction corresponds with /users/{slug}/comments/{id} path.

With @Prefix("some_prefix") generated path will be /users/{slug}/some_prefix/comments/{id}

And by using the @NoRoute method-level annotation, route won't be generated.

like image 143
Dattaya Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 17:10
