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Symfony2 and Vim recommendations

I already work with Symfony2 and of course with vim but in different projects. I would like to know which plugins, tips, recommendations do you use in Vim for working with Symfony2?

This also goes to Twig template, themes, debugging, etc.

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Gabriel Muñumel Avatar asked May 05 '12 18:05

Gabriel Muñumel

2 Answers

I don't really think Symfony2 projects are that much different from any other PHP projects (vim-wise at least). The only extra plugin I use is Jinja highlighting one as Jinja syntax is almost identical to Twig. I'm developing also in Django, so I sticked with that one, but there's also Twig highlighting plugin if you want something that's going to be up to date with Twig.

If you want to see my vim files, they are on github, but there's nothing really Symfony2 specific apart from what I described above.

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Ondrej Slinták Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 09:11

Ondrej Slinták

We use https://github.com/docteurklein/vim-symfony plugin. Helps a lot, and we use htmljinja file type for template highlighting.

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Florian Klein Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 07:11

Florian Klein