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SymbolIcon is not supported in a WPF Project




I am trying to use SymbolIcon (as defined here in my WPF-XAML code.
But XAML won't compile stating that "SymbolIcon is not supported in a WPF Project".

Could anyone tell me if I am missing any additional assembly to use SymbolIcon. I do have "Segoe UI Symbol" font on my box.

Thanks, RDV

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RDV Avatar asked Oct 15 '14 20:10


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1 Answers

SymbolIcon is a UWP control, and is not supported in WPF.

What you can do is:

  • Use a XAML Island to host the SymbolIcon control in your WPF app (Windows 10 1903+).
  • Use the WPF Toolkit IconButton.
  • Use this suggestion:
    <Button FontFamily="Segoe UI Symbol" Content="&#xE110;"/>
    Which renders like this:
like image 57
Shimmy Weitzhandler Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 08:10

Shimmy Weitzhandler