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Swiping Images in ViewFlipper or ViewPager

I want to show an image at a time. On a swipe I want to change my image with sliding effect. I read about ViewPager and ViewFlipper. I even have an example of doing such with ViewFlipper. Just need a proper explanation on where to use ViewFlipper and where to use ViewPager. It seems to me as if ViewPager is more likely to be used when you want to swipe bunch of fragments which holds some functionality as well rather than just having some images to swipe.

However if some one thinks that ViewPager should be used instead of ViewFlipper just to swipe bunch of images, please briefly explain why? Why should a person use ViewPager instead of ViewFlipper. Which one should be more memory efficient? And whats the purpose of these two? Could you please illustrate an example (code) swiping imageViews?

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Ahmed Avatar asked Feb 04 '13 05:02


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Why use ViewPager?

Stay organized with collections Save and categorize content based on your preferences. Layout manager that allows the user to flip left and right through pages of data. You supply an implementation of a PagerAdapter to generate the pages that the view shows.

How do I turn off swipe in ViewPager?

You can easily do that by creating a custom class inherits from viewPager and override two methods: “onTouchEvent()” and “onInterceptTouchEvent()” and return true or false to disable and enable the swiping on certain touch events i.e say swiping.

How to make swipe screen in Android?

You can create swipe views using AndroidX's ViewPager widget. To use ViewPager and tabs, you need to add a dependency on ViewPager and on Material Components to your project. To insert child views that represent each page, you need to hook this layout to a PagerAdapter .

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1 Answers

ViewPager and ViewFlipper actually work a bit differently. ViewFlipper doesn't let you swipe and drag the images - you basically flick your finger and then the currently shown image flips right at a constant speed.

ViewPager, on the other hand, lets the user press and hold the view and slide it left/right. It is probably more user friendly as it has more feedback (i.e. the user can decide not to flip an image even when he/she already started flicking the image in one direction). So I would use ViewPager. Regardless, both have ways of being optimized for memory, depending on the adapter that you use.

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Oleg Vaskevich Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 04:10

Oleg Vaskevich