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SwiftUI Repaint View Components on Device Rotation



How to detect device rotation in SwiftUI and re-draw view components?

I have a @State variable initialized to the value of UIScreen.main.bounds.width when the first appears. But this value doesn't change when the device orientation changes. I need to redraw all components when the user changes the device orientation.

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oracode Avatar asked Aug 10 '19 11:08


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SwiftUI doesn't have a built-in way to detect the user rotating their device between portrait and landscape orientation, but we can make one using a custom modifier by responding to the UIDevice. orientationDidChangeNotification notification.

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1 Answers

Here‘s an idiomatic SwiftUI implementation based on a notification publisher:

struct ContentView: View {          @State var orientation = UIDevice.current.orientation      let orientationChanged = NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: UIDevice.orientationDidChangeNotification)         .makeConnectable()         .autoconnect()      var body: some View {         Group {             if orientation.isLandscape {                 Text("LANDSCAPE")             } else {                 Text("PORTRAIT")             }         }.onReceive(orientationChanged) { _ in             self.orientation = UIDevice.current.orientation         }     } } 

The output of the publisher (not used above, therefor _ as the block parameter) also contains the key "UIDeviceOrientationRotateAnimatedUserInfoKey" in its userInfo property if you need to know if the rotation should be animated.

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Koraktor Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09
