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SwiftUI: NavigationLink pops immediately if used within ForEach

I'm using a NavigationLink inside of a ForEach in a List to build a basic list of buttons each leading to a separate detail screen.

When I tap on any of the list cells, it transitions to the detail view of that cell but then immediately pops back to the main menu screen.

Not using the ForEach helps to avoid this behavior, but not desired.

Here is the relevant code:

struct MainMenuView: View {


    private let menuItems: [MainMenuItem] = [
        MainMenuItem(type: .type1),
        MainMenuItem(type: .type2),
        MainMenuItem(type: .typeN),

    var body: some View {
        List {
            ForEach(menuItems) { item in
                NavigationLink(destination: self.destination(item.destination)) {
                    MainMenuCell(menuItem: item)

    // Constructs destination views for the navigation link
    private func destination(_ destination: ScreenDestination) -> AnyView {
        switch destination {
        case .type1:
            return factory.makeType1Screen()
        case .type2:
            return factory.makeType2Screen()
        case .typeN:
            return factory.makeTypeNScreen()
like image 443
Viktor Malyi Avatar asked Oct 09 '19 11:10

Viktor Malyi

1 Answers

If you have a @State, @Binding or @ObservedObject in MainMenuView, the body itself is regenerated (menuItems get computed again) which causes the NavigationLink to invalidate (actually the id change does that). So you must not modify the menuItems arrays id-s from the detail view.

If they are generated every time consider setting a constant id or store in a non modifying part, like in a viewmodel.

like image 59
gujci Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 02:10
