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SwiftUI Lists & OnAppear

I have noticed some odd behavior on OnAppear events for List views. I'd think the OnAppear closure would run whenever a view appears on the screen, but it appears to run all at once when the List is loaded.

For example the following code:

@State var rows: [String] = Array(repeating: "Item", count: 20)

var body: some View {

    List(0..<rows.count, id: \.self) { index in
        Text(verbatim: self.rows[index])
            .onAppear {

...I would expect the print command to run a couple times on load, then continue to print as I scrolled down. Instead it prints 20 times at once, then again as I start to scroll down.

Any thoughts?

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mrbenhill Avatar asked Feb 04 '20 00:02


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1 Answers

I think it is behaving as expected.

For me it printed 15 times on a Simulator with iPhone 7 and all 20 times on a Simulator with an iPhone 11.

I made a slight change to the print("BOOOOM \(index)")

There is probably a balance with performance and resources that the List abides by in the background.

Load too little and the user will "Get stuck" if scrolling too fast vs loading too much and slowing the scroll animation.

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lorem ipsum Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 05:09

lorem ipsum