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SwiftUI @State vs Binding


I am learning iOS Programming with Swift and SwiftUI. I know very little and I am very confuse about the difference between a @State and a Binding<*>.

If I understood it correctly, Binding is just technically State but it doesn't update the view. If that is the case then why would I need Binding if I could just use State to do the same thing?

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Archie G. Quiñones Avatar asked Dec 09 '19 10:12

Archie G. Quiñones

People also ask

What is difference between binding and state in SwiftUI?

Indicate data dependencies in a view using state, and share those dependencies with other views using bindings. The user interface of a SwiftUI app is a composition of views that form a view hierarchy.

What does @state do in SwiftUI?

With @State, you tell SwiftUI that a view is now dependent on some state. If the state changes, so should the User Interface. It's a core principle of SwiftUI: data drives the UI.

What is a SwiftUI binding?

A binding in SwiftUI is a connection between a value and a view that displays and changes it. You can create your own bindings with the @Binding property wrapper, and pass bindings into views that require them.

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Two Way Binding allows the data to be transferred to change the initial look of viewController. If we are interested in creating a button that changes color when the user presses it, we need to state keyword and Two-way binding.

1 Answers

Both @State and @Binding are property wrappers.


  • It is used to update the value of a variable every time.
  • We can also say it's a two way binding.
  • If we change the property state then SwiftUI will automatically reload the body of the view.
  • It is used for simple properties like strings, integers and booleans.


  • Using this, you can access the state property of another view.
  • It will give you the read and write access for the variable.
like image 183
Hetashree Bharadwaj Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 11:09

Hetashree Bharadwaj