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How can I find repeated letters with a Perl regex?


I am looking for a regex that will find repeating letters. So any letter twice or more, for example:

booooooot or abbott 

I won't know the letter I am looking for ahead of time.

This is a question I was asked in interviews and then asked in interviews. Not so many people get it correct.

like image 507
Brian G Avatar asked Oct 07 '08 14:10

Brian G

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Look it up on a text on Perl. Use parentheses. The ( =~ ) operator takes two arguments: a string on the left and a regular expression pattern on the right. Instead of searching in the string contained in the default variable, $_ , the search is performed in the string specified.

What is \W in Perl regex?

A \w matches a single alphanumeric character (an alphabetic character, or a decimal digit) or _ , not a whole word. Use \w+ to match a string of Perl-identifier characters (which isn't the same as matching an English word).

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m operator in Perl is used to match a pattern within the given text. The string passed to m operator can be enclosed within any character which will be used as a delimiter to regular expressions.

2 Answers

You can find any letter, then use \1 to find that same letter a second time (or more). If you only need to know the letter, then $1 will contain it. Otherwise you can concatenate the second match onto the first.

my $str = "Foooooobar";  $str =~ /(\w)(\1+)/;  print $1; # prints 'o' print $1 . $2; # prints 'oooooo' 
like image 161
Adam Bellaire Avatar answered Jan 01 '23 18:01

Adam Bellaire

I think you actually want this rather than the "\w" as that includes numbers and the underscore.


Ok, ok, I can take a hint Leon. Use this for the unicode-world or for posix stuff.

like image 41
Keng Avatar answered Jan 01 '23 17:01
