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Swift generic superclass' init not accessible when constructing its subclass




I have the following codes:

class ILProperty<T> {
    var value: T?
    init(_ value: T) {
        self.value = value

typealias ILStringProperty = ilStringProperty<String>
class ilStringProperty<String>: ILProperty<String> {

let x = ILStringProperty("X")

The last line is a compile error:

'ILStringProperty' cannot be constructed because it has no accessible initializers

If I override the init:

override init(_ value: String) {

will work but I don't like it. Why do I need to override it when I won't add/modify it?

Am I doing something wrong?

Update: Follow up questions to answers from Nikita Leonov and Icaro

First regarding all properties must have default value, I do think I satisfied this rule where an optional var is defaulted with a nil value, isn't it? Though even if I write var value: T? = nil doesn't solve it.

Then from the same documentation section "Automatic Initializer Inheritance":

superclass initializers are automatically inherited if certain conditions are met

One condition is:

If your subclass doesn’t define any designated initializers, it automatically inherits all of its superclass designated initializers.

Where I do think the code above does met. This actually will work if I will not use generics:

class ILProperty {
    var value: Any?
    init(_ value: Any) {
        self.value = value
class ILStringProperty: ILProperty {
let x = ILStringProperty("X")

Should this rule also apply to generic classes?

like image 845
jolen Avatar asked Jun 25 '15 02:06


Video Answer

1 Answers

The last line in your code sample no longer gives a compile error, (since Swift 3). There is no mention of this in the Swift 3 Language Changes, so I can only assume that this was a bug.

like image 180
ganzogo Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 00:10
