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Swift Delegate Not Being Called





I have a view with a delegate that I want to have call numpadView(numpadView:) in GameController upon button press, however I can't get it to work. The overload of touchesBegan() works fine, it's really the line with pressDelegate?.numpadView(self) which doesn't call the delegate function in the GameController class. I'm stumped as to what's missing to get it to work?

I cleaned the code to leave only the essential related to the problem for simplicity.


protocol NumpadPressDelegateProtocol {
  func numpadView(numpadView: NumpadView)

class NumpadView: UIButton{
  var pressDelegate: NumpadPressDelegateProtocol?

  init(char: Character) {
    let frame = CGRectMake(160, 100, 50, 50)

    self.setTitle("\(char)", forState: UIControlState.Normal)
    self.userInteractionEnabled = true

  override func touchesBegan(touches: NSSet, withEvent event: UIEvent) {


class GameController: NumpadPressDelegateProtocol {

  func numpadView(numpadView: NumpadView) {
    //do something

like image 814
Jeremy Rea Avatar asked Jan 09 '15 03:01

Jeremy Rea

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2 Answers

Declaring GameController as NumpadPressDelegateProtocol is not enough for you to get a callback. You also need to set the pressDelegate of the NumpadView instance inside the Gamecontroller. Assuming numpadView is the instance variable be it IBOutlet or not, you have to set the delegate like

Inside GameController init

 numpadView.pressDelegate = self
like image 104
rakeshbs Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 19:09


Have you set the pressDelegate property to something? Nothing is assigned to it in the code you've shown. Do you assign something to it elsewhere in your code?

like image 40
Dave Wood Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 17:09

Dave Wood