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Swift. Could not build objective-c module 'Alamofire'

When this happens, just build the frameworks separately first. In your case:

  • Change the scheme to Alamofire
  • Build (⌘B)
  • Change back to your scheme
  • Run

Go into Developer/Xcode/DerivedData and delete the folder for your framework. (Or just delete DerivedData itself)

If you have a build of you app in a running simulator you'll need to delete the app there.

Then Clean & Build

This always works for me:

  1. Quit Xcode
  2. Delete ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
  3. Change to your framework’s scheme and build ⌘B
  4. Change to your app’s scheme and build ⌘B

Deleting the DerivedData folder and cleaning and building the project solved this issue for me.