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Swift + CoreData: Can not set a Bool on NSManagedObject subclass - Bug?

I have a little strange issue which I can't seem to figure out, I have a simple entity with a custom NSManagedObject subclass:

@objc(EntityTest) class EntityTest: NSManagedObject {

    @NSManaged var crDate: NSDate
    @NSManaged var name: String
    @NSManaged var completed: Bool
    @NSManaged var completedOn: NSDate

This is the problem, I can create the object fine and set the all the values and store in in an array. However late on, when I try to retrieve the same object, I can set all the values EXCEPT the "completed" field. I get a run-time error saying "EXC_BAD_ACCESS", I can read the value, just can not set it.

The debugger points to:

0x32d40ae:  je     0x32d4110                 ; objc_msgSend + 108
0x32d40b0:  movl   (%eax), %edx

Maybe some issues due to it being treated as an Objective-C class and trying to send a message to set boolean which I know is a bit funny with CoreData originally representing them as NSNumbers.

Any ideas? I created the class myself, it is not generated.


entity.crDate = NSDate() // succeeds
entity.completed = false // fails
entity.completed.setValue(false, forKey: "completed") //succeeds

So for setting the bool, using the setValue of NSManagedObject works but not the direct setters, though for the non-bool properties, I can set it using the setters.


While checking this a bit more, it seems like the first time I set the value after getting from NSEntityDescription, it uses normal Swift accessor methods. Later on when I try to access the same object (which was stored in an array) it attempts to treat it as a Objective-C style object and sends a message for method named "setCompleted". I guess it makes sense since I use the dot notation to access it and I used the @objc directive.

I tested this by creating a "setCompleted" method, however in the method I set the value using "completed = newValue" which makes a recursive call back to "setCompleted" causing it to crash... Strange, so at this moment still can't don't have a proper fix. It seems to only happen with Bools.

Only workaround is use the "setValueForKey" method of NSManagedObject. Perhaps file this as a bug report?

like image 725
iQ. Avatar asked Jun 20 '14 18:06


1 Answers

If you let Xcode 6 Beta 3 create the Swift files for your entities, it will create NSNumber properties for CoreDatas Boolean type.

enter image description here

You can however just use Bool as a Swift type instead of NSNumber, that worked for me without using the dot syntax though. It will set the Swift Bool with a NSNumber, that maybe leads to a bug in the dot syntax.

To make it explicit you should use the type NSNumber for attributes in the entity with the Boolean type. Then create a computed property (in iBook The Swift programming language under Language Guide -> Properties -> Computed Properties) to return you a Swift Bool. So would never really store a Bool.

Like so:

@NSManaged var snack: NSNumber
var isSnack: Bool {
    get {
        return Bool(snack)
    set {
        snack = NSNumber(bool: newValue)

Of course it would be cool to hide the other (NSNumber attribute), but be patient and Apple will implement private attributes in the future.


If you check the box create skalar types it will even use the type Bool in the automatically created Swift file!

So I think it is a bug.

like image 106
Binarian Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 18:11
